Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Smartphones Users EXPOSED !!!!

yea sorry for the TMZ heandline just wanted to catpure your attention , now thats over lets rock this joint .
every single one of you own or previously owned a smartphone now its the time to label you and make fun of you ( me included ) so buckle up and dont take it personally its just what the world see when they look at you holding your phone :


we have to start with the majority right ? arent you the sly and cool with your apps and sleek touch screen , well your not , the iphone is simply a overblown hype , its a good phone and it started the whole touch phones revolution but is it worth coghing up all that dough !

whats amaznigly stupid is that it became an annual thing, every year we have a new iphone HARDER, BETTER, FASTER, STRONGER and every year people line up and buy the iphone like lemmings . its a good phone ruined by company policy to milk out the consumer .

yea thats you

if you own an IPhone you are : 1- A Snob  2 - A Spoiled Brat  3 - Going with Trend

Blackberry :

Ahh yes the business men and women around the world , or thats what we tell ourselves in reality its populated by young adults and preteens which is a hospitable enviorment perfect for pedophiles , with the minorty of its users being business men and business men wannabes , they defend their phones even if its underdog and with the stupidist software ever , they still buy out of brand loyality so instead of cows now they are simply sheep .

if you are a blackberry owner you are : 1 - A Kid  2 - You Want To Look Good  3 - Trying To Hook up

Andriod ( HTC / Samsung / Nexus ) :

they are the latest fanbase to greet the smartphones scene and the loudest yet to come , there's no denying that the andriod is amazing but you dont have to teach us every bit of it , they are the geekiest and nerdiest lot you can hang out with , they never cease to bore you with their nitpicking of other phones and comparison with compitiors , they are like the kid at school who bully's everyone around them and they keep on growing in numbers .

Even Arnie Approves It

if you own an andriod :  1 - You Are A Geek   2 - You Are Hated By Your Friends


  1. ((they still buy out of brand loyality so instead of cows now they are simply sheep .))



  2. dont knock on blackberry users ,,, pweaase :P

  3. haahhahahhahahhahh :D it's so funny how this reality is, we simply buy stuff we don't need for money we don't have!!
    HTC holder or geek I think XD

  4. yea its what good marketing all about , thats why we have the smartphones fights on which is better , its all cuz of the brand loyalty created by marketing ;p
